
New Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance Dedicated to Decarbonize Freight Transport | southpacific
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New Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance Dedicated to Decarbonize Freight Transport

According to the MIT Climate Portal, freight transportation currently represents approximately 8% of global CO2 emissions. Its reduction is therefore a critical element in achieving the global climate goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To lower freight’s percentage of emissions and work toward fully decarbonizing freight transport by 2050, the Smart Freight Centre, a global non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable freight transport, together with the World Economic Forum and BSR, recently announced the establishment of the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance (SFBA).

These organizations realized that in order to drive system-wide change, a new type of collaborative platform is needed, purposefully designed to send a united market signal across the entire freight ecosystem.

SFBA is a platform that will help to scale and deploy low-carbon freight innovations with the target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The platform offers all of the following:

  • Collaboration Catalyzer: network of and facilitation of concrete, collective projects
  • Information Hub: instruments for streamline information and decarbonizing procurement
  • Demonstrating Progress: tools to track and demonstrate progress for increased visibility in and beyond the logistics sector

With the creation of the Alliance, shippers and cargo owners are now able join the SFBA to help build a sustainable freight system.

You can now access the Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance (SFBA) website to learn more.

DeltaTrak is also working to help protect the environment and minimize e-waste with the development of its GoGreen Recycling Program. As part of the Program, receivers are encouraged to return used data loggers to DeltaTrak for recycling.


Jim Krachenfels

As a member of DeltaTrak’s marketing team, Jim has been a prominent blogger on DeltaTrak’s product line and cold chain. He has extensive experience in technology marketing and an MBA in marketing.


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New Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance Dedicated to Decarbonize Freight Transport | southpacific